You can choose blue, rare, medium-rare, medium, medium-well, and well-done steak doneness. The doneness of a steak is as crucial as the choice of cut, if not more so. It affects the steak’s tenderness, juiciness, and overall texture. Depending on the desired level of doneness, a steak can range from juicy and tender to rubbery, chewy, dry, and tough.
Below, we describe each doneness level to help you determine which one suits you best.
- Blue: Blue steak is seared on the outside but remains raw inside. It’s soft and will have a cool center with a deep blue-purplish-red hue. If you’re not a fan of almost raw meat, like tartare, blue steak might not be for you – it’s not a preference for many.
- Rare: Rare steak has a warm red center and is tender. It’s slightly cooked but retains most of its natural juiciness.
- Medium-Rare: Medium-rare steak is tender, juicy, and a favorite among many steak enthusiasts.
- Medium: Medium steak has a pink center. It balances firmness and tenderness, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a bit more cook than medium-rare but still want some juiciness.
- Medium-Well: Medium-well steak has only a hint of pink in the center. It’s firmer than the previous levels of doneness and tends to have less juiciness.
- Well-Done: A well-done steak is fully cooked through with no pink visible. While most cuts of steak become tough and dry when cooked this way, many still prefer its well-done texture and the fact that it’s fully cooked.
Regarding medium-well or well-done steak, we respect everyone’s preference. However, many of our chefs personal choice never goes beyond medium doneness. Tenderness and juiciness are some of the most important aspects of steak, which are lost forever if you cook steak to well-done. Instead, you will get a dry and tough piece of meat.