When you bake a cake, you need to do first things first. You need to get the ingredients before you turn on the oven. You need to bake it before you frost it and slice it.
At ADSPAYMAX, we’ve met a lot of people over the 27 years we’ve been doing what we do, and many were Rookies who simply wanted to start a business. Some had an idea but were at a loss as to how to move forward. Their business plan was full of holes and as yet, we’ve never understood this. It’s like wanting to wear a bandage when you don’t have a wound.
Most have a good idea but no customers, but you can’t sell your idea to fresh air. For them we always say, “Don’t start a business unless you can prove the demand.”
This is not meant to be discouraging. It just means you need to get the ingredients before you turn on the oven.
If you’re still gung-ho on your belief, then find real people whose problem you believe you can solve. You must listen deeply to them so you can ultimately present your dream scenario. You make sure they’re happy to pay you enough, as profit is not a curse word.
But don’t announce anything yet. Don’t choose a name yet. Don’t create a website or an app and certainly don’t build a system yet. You need to be free to completely change or ditch your idea. We guarantee the more thought you give it, you’ll think different from your original idea, but hopefully you’ve not as yet, committed too much financially.
Then you see your first paying customer. Provide a one-on-one personal service. Then you get another paying customer. Prove a real demand.
Then, as late as possible you officially start your business
March 8, 2018Rrhoncus et erat. Nam posuere tristique sem, eu ultricies tortor imperdiet vitae. Curabitur lacinia neque.
John Doe
March 8, 2018Eum in dicta veniam interesset, harum fuisset te nam.
John Doe
March 8, 2018Nam posuere tristique sem, eu ultricies tortor imperdiet vitae. Curabitur lacinia neque.
John Doe
March 8, 2018Eum in dicta veniam interesset, harum fuisset te namera.